
Morpheus8 combines microneedling with radiofrequency technology for frasctional resurfacing, stimulating collagen production. In about 45 minutes, this treatment can improve hyperpigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles, pore size, acne scars, active acne, stretch marks, and lax skin. It can also be customized to remove unwanted fat from the face/neck.

Microneedling creates "micro-injuries" when the skin's surface is punctured, causing the skin to produce collagen. Morpheus8 also delivers radiofrequency waves deep into the skin tissue - up to 4mm. This triggers collagen production at an even deeper level, resulting in smoother and tighter skin. Results appear after several weeks as your body naturally heals. Morpheus8 can also be used to eliminate hyperhydrosis (excessive sweating).



1 Treatment $700 | 3 Treatments $1800

1 Treatment $800 | 3 Treatments $2000

1 Treatment $950 | 3 Treatments $2400

*Areas include neck, face, and decollate


*Add PRP
1 Treatment +$250 | 3 Treatments +$525

*Add Nitrous Oxide +$100 Per Treatment



4 Treatments for Hyperdydrosis

Hands, Feet, and Underarms: $2000

Underarms Only: $1000

Hands/Feet Only: $1200

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