
One of the most important regulatory systems embedded in our body’s  apparatus is our portfolio of hormones. Hormones act as messengers that are  designed to interact with specific target cells and organs and provoke a change or  result. 

Hormones are secreted directly into our blood stream which then carries them to  organs and tissues in the body to exert their function. Some of the functions of  hormones are: 

  • Cognition function and mood
  • Development and growth in the body
  • Digestion and metabolism of food material
  • Maintenance of body temperature and thirst
  • Reproductive growth and health

The state of our health is directly related to the state of our hormones. Because  it take very low levels of hormones to bring about major changes in our body,  hormones are secreted in microscopic amounts. Either a very slight excess of hormone  secretion or the slightest deficiency can lead to disease states. 

Symptoms of hormone deficiency can include:  

  • Low energy
  • Reduced muscle strength and mass
  • Weight gain or loss
  • Mood swings
  • Crepey sagging skin
  • Poor memory
  • Slow wound healing
  • Decreased libido
  • Sleep difficulties

Benefits of hormone optimization: 

  • Increase blood flow to the heart
  • Reduce cholesterol and triglycerides
  • Reduce risk of Alzheimers and Parkinsons
  • Reduces Osteoporosis and Osteopenia
  • Breast protective
  • Increase muscle mass
  • Stabilize mood
  • Increase energy, focus
  • Reduced night sweats and hot flashes
  • Improved sleep, increased libido

What are Bio-Identical Hormones?  

Bio-identical means that the hormone is an exact molecular match of your  depleted hormones. It is a plant derived (plant steroid found in soy and wild yams)  hormone which is natural and your body cannot tell the difference. Therefore, it  functions much better than synthetic forms. 

What is subcutaneous pellet hormone therapy?  

These pellets-each is about the size of a grain of rice-are made of pure Bio identical hormones estradiol and testosterone. They are place painlessly beneath the  skin of the hip. 

How often will I need to have pellets inserted?  

On average a woman may need 2 or 3 insertions a year to give you consistent  hormone levels without the spikes seen with oral therapy. 

ON average men may need 2 insertions a year to give consistent Testosterone  replacement. 

How long has hormone pellet therapy been around?  

Many decades. In 1939 the first pellet procedure was performed. In 1941 and  1949 hormone pellet therapy was published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and  Gynecology by two separate physicians stating that “because the hormones were  released on a continual basis they more clearly reflected the physiologic action of the  hormones produced by the ovary” 

BioTE medical has specifically looked at the parameters of effectiveness, safety,  dose, accuracy, purity and potency of each pellet. 

Laura’s Testimony:  

It all started with one of her obese male clients whom was originally being seen  for weight loss. He was having weight loss resistance at one point and could not lose  anymore despite following all the guidelines including lifestyle changes. He was still  considered obese and after careful questioning Laura found he was having all sorts of  cognitive issues, depression, and mood swings. Laura, with her experience with  pituitary tumors etc was concerned and decided to do bloodwork to include hormones.  It was found that he had a very high estrogen, (most likely from his obesity and stress)  and normal testosterone. He was completely symptomatic and at risk for all sorts of  other medical issues if left untreated. As a result, Laura treated his estrogen imbalance  with an aromatase inhibitor and to date he has lost 90 lbs, sleeping better, mood  stabilized and he is more energetic than ever. His wife told Laura “Thank you, I have my  husband back”. It was then, that Laura noticed more and more clients suffering with  the same complaints of increased fatigue, low energy, weight loss resistance, hair loss,  night sweats and mood swings, etc that Laura made it her mission to find a way to help  relieve her clients of these life altering symptoms and help them return to their best  lives. Thats when Laura became a BioTE provider.

Why BioTe?  

BioTe is a leading innovator in precision and preventative health care. Biote has  translated over 80 years of scientific insight into medical approaches that identify and  address imbalances in the production of hormones that occur as the body ages. Biote  has a rigorous curriculum and clinical training program where one becomes certified in  BHRT. Biote works with FDA-Registered facilities that adhere to stringent quality  control in manufacturing of the pellets. 

Whats the first step?  

Call for your consultation. During your consultation Laura will perform a detailed  medical history and examination. You will be given lab work to evaluate your  hormones as well as look for other disease that may be causing your symptoms. A  follow up appointment will be made to review your results. Once Laura has determined  that you are a candidate for BHRT via pellets, the insertion can be done at that time or  scheduled for another day.

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